If you’ve read part 1 and 2 of this blog all about Growth vs Fixed Mindsets then you will now understand the difference between the two. Great!
the thing about mindset is that it’s all very well talking about it and saying “you should have this one or think that way” but actually knowing what you think and do and indeed how to change it is actually the useful part.
In fact there are so many people out there talking about “#positivity” or “#mindset” but they actually have no idea what so ever how to change it or what to do to help someone. They commonly are out there talking about it (often it’s very carefully constructed) because they want recognition and in a funny way this can be a huge indicator of a fixed mindset! Ironic hey? So this (part 3) of the blog looks into how you identify which you have and when. Then part 4 will help you to change it if you think it will be beneficial (which mostly it is!).
As said many times before, mindset can be situational. You can think one way in one situation and differently in another. Practicing a growth mindset when you are able to rationalise and think about something logically will certainly help to change things in the long run and is the way to start. However, research has shown that you will have a predominant mindset that will ultimately be what shows up in times of stress or anxiety. This is the one we really want to get at because if we do then this has profound and lasting results!
Think of a time recently when you’ve felt under pressure, stressed, anxious or annoyed. This is the time we want to explore for now. Here are some questions to answer that will help you to work out which of the two mindsets you might have in that moment. So think of exactly that moment and then answer these questions about what you were thinking at that time…
Do you feel like you are floundering or not making any progress?
Do you feel you’ve gone backwards?
Do you want to give in because you don’t know the answers?
Do others have it easy compared to you?
Is the anxiety of (perceived) safety greater than the joy of potential learning and growth in this moment?
Are you just not talented enough to be able to do this or achieve the bigger goal?
Are you worried what others will think?
Are there a lot of things in this situation that are actually just other people’s faults and it’s not really you responsible?
Is this just the way you are and you cant change that?
You can learn new things but ultimately it’s not going to change anything about this?
If you have answered yes to a few or more of these questions above then the chances are that you’ve got a bit of a fixed mindset hidden in there and that could be really holding you back from progressing and truly reaching your potential.
Now look out for part 4 of the blog because it will give you lots of things to think about and do that will help you to change – if you want to?